Ely, MN vacation resort Big Lake Wilderness Lodge
Around the Lodge at Ely, MN vacation resort Big Lake Wilderness Lodge

Around the Lodge


Stop in the lodge anytime to get the latest weather and fishing report and conditions.

On those hot summer days, take the “little”ones to our wading beach and watch them have a ball. For the older kids, they are sure to have fun on our water trampoline or scooting around the shoreline with one of our free paddle boats or kayaks. For those not so nice days, stop in the lodge and nestle up with a book or play a game or two.

Day Trips by Canoe: There’s no better way to experience the wilderness than with paddle in hand. We’re surrounded by miles of easy to moderate “canoe country” routes that can be accomplished in a day. Just pack your camera, a fishing pole, and a picnic lunch. We’ll help you choose a route to meet your interests and even provide car-carriers for your canoe. BWCAW entry permits for day trips are FREE. For more info on the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness go to www.recreation.gov. To learn more about wilderness stewardship, including the BWCAW, go to the National Wilderness Preservation System at http://www.wilderness.net/index.cfm?fuse=NWPS&sec=wildView&WID=70.

Ely MN Area Hiking Trails: Within a few miles of the resort, there are exceptional hiking trails to explore. The Bass Lake trail features a scenic waterfall. Berry picking, bird-watching, and the occasional glimpse of wildlife are among the features of the Big Moose Loops, North Arm, North Junction, Angleworm, Fenske, Echo, and Sioux-Hustler trail systems.

Ely MN Area Attractions: Ely MN has numerous attractions to fill your time while you enjoy your stay with us, including the Dorothy Molter Museum, the International Wolf Center, the North American Bear Center, the Ely-Winton Historical Society, and the Soudan Underground Mine State Park.